Monday, July 18, 2011

Race Wheels and the Swim God

The bike portion has always been a challenge for me. While I have been constantly getting better, I never seem to be able to get the power that others do. Well as an early birthday present, I made the plunge and our based new racing wheels. After a lot of research and many discussions with people more knowledgeable than me, I plunked down some cash on a new set of racing wheels. Thanks Nelson at Strictly Bicycles for the sound advice -- Malibu (my bike for those who don't know her name) looks sweet - and fast.  Hopefully I will be able to pick up on that charge.

Whale my swim has been solid, I wanted to get pick it up a bit. For that I turned to Earl Walton Head Coach of Trilife (another NYC area triathlon club), someone I have known for a few years and trust for advice.  Turns out Earl is not a mere mortal, but a swim god. With a few adjustments, some different (and difficult) drills, I saw major (and major) improvements in my practices in the pool and actually saw real results at Vineman (see race report for more). Earl did me solid and highly recommend him to anyone wanting to improve times.

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