I cannot say I'll miss 2010 that much, but did learn a lot about myself as an athlete, friend and all around human being.
Jan: Miami half marathon. Lots of laughs with Rob, Davey, and Rev...Randomly seeing Ken at the start...Pro Bowl. No PR, but a decent start to the year.
Feb - March: Random NYRR races, March Madness Duathalon (never again...even though I said the same in 2009). NYC Half Marathon (not heat this time, but that damn asphalt-to-concrete surface change really screws me up).
April: Started off well...until the crash during the South Beach Race. Man-o-War Vick? Nah, it's not broken, just really badly sprained (right!). Surgery...decisions on summer race schedule (realization that Eagleman 70.3 wasn't happening). Learning what it is like to actually be a challenged athlete (more admiration for those living with one arm - loafers are my friend). Weekly visits to arm surgeon begins...weekly cast changes.
May: Start to run again...slowly with one arm in the air. Trip to Boulder to visit Mac (love that place). DNS at Columbia MD (I'll do this one in 2011). More training. Second surgery right before Labor Day. Trip to Rob's for Memorial Day....first time on the bike since the crash.
June: CAF Gala...a drunken night...Gold Coast Tri (hated that one), Philly Tri (which turned into a duathalon -- did I mention hating these -- due to tragic reasons). Training..Timberman 70.3 will happen. Neuroma starts to get worse, but I will run through it. Trip to the DR (and the aftermath of that).
July: NYC Tri - the best day of the year. Close to 100 Parrtriathletes competing for a spot on the national team. Four weeks to Timberman...Trip to Newcomb for training and then watching IM Lake Placid (no IM bug for me). Camped for the first (and last time).
August: Decide to go to Budapest to support Paratri National Team, my bday, start of Chicago Marathon training...and Timberman 70.3 DONE!
September: Budapest...Amazing...Paratri World Championships...total admiration for my friends who came home with real hardware. Back home...back to Chicago Marathon training....Cortisone injection for neuroma. Decision to skip Reach the Beach.
October: Chicago Marathon (that heat still haunts me) with Julie, CAF SDTC with a great and larger group from NYC. Foot surgery (#3 of the year). Cane, .Das Boot!
November: NYC Marathon (Julie runs - I sit this one out - for her 40th Bday). Still in the boot, but get rid of cane...Cleared by Dr. Lai to train again...Beach2Battleship passes (another race I did not do this year). Thanksgiving!
December: Training, FTP test with Ben, hours on the bike trainer, miles in CP...New Years Eve...
By 2010...welcome 2011